Monday, April 9, 2012


Just wanna let y'all know I received 2 more donations in the mail today along with these kind words from both of my awesome donors! You guys are the best. I had just come home from a bad day at work and opening my mail to see this made me feel so much better. I am dead serious when I say that a person's words of encouragement is more fulfilling for me than any dollar amount.

I ♥ my donors! :)

Also, my development director Michael Thames is sending me e-mail updates about who is sending support online or mailing donations to the camp location. I would also like to say thank you to my online donors! And today I got an email from Mr. Thames saying that I've received money from an unknown donor? I don't know if that was supposed to be anonymous or the person forgot to write their name but nevertheless, THANK YOU KIND, KIND STRANGER! And if you're my anonymous donor reading this update and just forgot to write your name, please please please e-mail me so I can thank you properly.

That's all I've got for today. My Monday was feeling pretty lousy until this so thank you all again. Until next time!

- Jessica ♥

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